Cardiovascular System
What is the Cardiovascular System and how does it function?
Like the nervous system, the cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems within the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels and the blood. According to Pagliaro, et. al, (2020), the heart itself is made up of two reservoirs known as the right and left atria. Within the atria are two intermittent pumps known as the right and left ventricles. The right atrium receives the blood from various tissues through the upper and lower cava veins.
From there, the deoxygenated blood flows to the right ventricle where it is pumped into the pulmonary artery. The blood is then oxygenated within the alveolar capillaries. Once oxygenated, the blood makes its way back to the left atrium through to the left ventricle. The left ventricle utilizes high pressure to pump the blood to the aorta which initiates the process of large circulation throughout the body’s blood vessels and into all the organs and tissues of the body.
What does the Cardiovascular System do?
The heart is the engine of the cardiovascular system. Without it, there would be no way to pump the blood through the veins and vessels. And without circulated blood, there would be no way to get oxygen or other nutrients to every organ, tissue or cell that needs it.
According to research from Allarakha (2021,) the heart itself has a host of responsibilities. It pumps oxygenated blood into all the other body parts. It also ensures the transfer of hormones and other vital substances to different parts of the body. The heart is also responsible for receiving the deoxygenated blood and transferring metabolic waste to the lungs for oxygenation. It is also responsible for regulating the body’s blood pressure.
Natural Ways To Improve the Cardiovascular System
So, now that we know what the cardiovascular system is, what it does and how it functions- let's take a look at some natural ways to improve how this impressive system functions for our pets.
Photo Credit: Mr Boiko Oleg - Shutterstock Contributor
CoQ 10
According to research by Dove (2001), CoQ 10 is important to a number of different cellular processes. These include the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the process of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. It can also stabilize the cellular membranes as well as protect the heart from degenerative heart disease.
Also referred to in his research, Dove mentions that CoQ 10 has been proven to protect the heart tissue from structural and functional changes that take place with degenerative heart disease.
CoQ 10 is capable of being absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is best used as an oral supplement. There are a number of natural pet-safe supplements that contain safe levels of CoQ 10 and can be utilized to protect the heart health and function of our furry companions.
Photo Credit: Africa Studio- Shutterstock contributor
These days, it is likely that you have heard of CBD and the many possible benefits it offers to both humans and animals.
In the more recent years, it has gained a ton of traction as a result of various results proven studies and science backed discoveries. It has been especially successful in aiding with heart health. In Rabino's (2021) study, researchers noted that CBD was successful in reducing the following in regards to the heart:
Blood flow disruptions in the left ventricle.
Oxidative stress and inflammation in muscle tissue.
Cell death.
Fibrosis (the thickening and hardening of connective tissue in the heart).
Fortunately, not only is CBD effective, it is also an easy substance to formulate into a tasty supplement that your pet is sure to love. Consider incorporating a daily CBD treat for your pet to potentially aid in their heart health.
Photo Credit: Muhannad Alatawi -Pexels Contributor
It's no secret that consistent exercise builds a healthy heart. This is the case for our furry companions as well. Like all muscles, the heart thrives with consistent cardio exercise.
A heart that is provided the opportunity to pump stronger and more efficiently by way of consistent exercise, will help provide the body with a more effective flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues.
It is a great idea to incorporate some form of daily physical activity for your pets. This will allow their cardiovascular system to get pumping. Perhaps you could:
Initiate daily walks.
Play a daily game of fetch or hide and seek.
Purchase a pet-friendly treadmill
For cat people, consider investing in a catio, scratch tower, toys or other cat friendly exercise options.
Consider choosing a method that will not only will exercise your pet's heart, but it can also improve your own! Win-win!
Allarakha, S. (2021, September 14). What Are the Four Main Functions of the Heart? Common Heart Diseases. MedicineNet. Retrieved March 2, 2022, from
Dove, R. S. (2001). Nutritional therapy in the treatment of heart disease in dogs. (Heart Disease in Dogs). Alternative Medicine Review, S-38(8).
Pagliaro, P., Penna, C., & Rastaldo, R. (2020). Basic cardiovascular physiology : From molecules to translational medical science. River Publishers.
Rabino, M., Mallia, S., Castiglioni, E., Rovina, D., Pompilio, G., & Gowran, A. (2021). The Endocannabinoid System and Cannabidiol: Past, Present, and Prospective for Cardiovascular Diseases. Pharmaceuticals, 14(9), 936. MDPI AG.